Wed 11, Nov, 2020
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
Atlanta, Georgia, 30313
United States


Workshop - Diversifying the HPC Community

Women in HPC will once again attend the Supercomputing conference to discuss diversity and inclusivity topics. Activities will bring together women and male allies from across the international HPC community, provide opportunities to network, showcase the work of inspiring women, and discuss how we can all work towards improving the under-representation of women in supercomputing.

The 11th International Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) workshop at SC20 in Atlanta brings together the HPC community to discuss the growing importance of increasing diversity in the workplace. This workshop will recognize and discuss the challenges of improving the proportion of women in the HPC community, and is relevant for employers and employees throughout the supercomputing workforce who are interested in addressing diversity. Previous Women in HPC workshops at SC were great successes, with over 100 attendees in the past two workshops, receiving 32 and 21 posters from early-mid career women, respectively.

Sessions will focus on the following areas:

  • Raising Awareness about gender equality at workspaces
  • How to tackle negative workplace behavior for a more inclusive environment
  • Navigating Change and Transition at work and in personal life
  • Recognition and celebration of achievement in the career path
  • Overcoming fear and taking the leap in career journey
  • Effective self and peer evaluations for successful career 
  • Navigating your way to successful negotiations in the workplace

The workshop will provide activities of interest to three particular groups:

  • Those responsible for hiring and recruiting staff that are interested in increasing diversity and retention of underrepresented groups in their organisation;
  • Early and mid career women working in HPC who wish to improve their career opportunities;
  • Diversity allies: those wishing to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture who want to learn and share tips and methods for bringing about cultural change.

The day will include presentations from early career women showcasing their HPC work in a lightning talks session, networking, and the opportunity to meet mentors and peers. We will include talks that will provide instructions for advocates and allies with strategies for improving workplace diversity, and becoming a part of the solution. We will also include a series of short talks on career focused topics, including: building and maintaining workplace resilience, best practices from organizations on improving workplace diversity, navigating change at work and in personal life, and challenges and opportunities for women in entrepreneurship/venture capital. This will provide the attendees with tools on becoming a better leader in the workforce, effectively dealing with challenges at work, and managing work-life balance.


10:00 – 10:10 Welcome


10:10 – 11:00 Keynote 1 Candace Streuli Culhane, Los Alamos National Laboratory
11:00 – 11:30 Break
11:30 – 12:30 Short Talks

1: How to get your  idea funded (or, Playing the long game)

2: Navigating your way to the job or promotion you want

3: Always celebrate your achievement



1: Robert Ross, Argonne National Laboratory

2: Deborah Bard, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

3: Laura Schulz, Leibniz Supercomputing Center

12:30 – 1:30 Panel

Making the Leap: Jumping into a different career path

Jo Adegbola, Amazon Web Services

Tanzima Islam, Texas State University

Mozhgan K. Chimeh, NVIDIA

1:30 – 2:30 Lunch Break
2:30 – 3:30 Keynote 2 Fran Berman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
3:30 – 4:30 Lightning Talks

1: STRUMPACK – High-performance scalable software library based on Low-Rank Approximations

2: A machine learning classifier of damaging earthquakes as a microservice in the Urgent Computing Workflow

3: Smart-PGSim: Using Neural Network to Accelerate AC-OPFPower Grid Simulation

4: From Wet-Lab Scientist to Data-Driven Computation: Utilizing HPC to tackle disparities in healthcare + a call for HPC education

5: Probabilistic Volcanic Hazard Assessment within the framework of the ChEESE Center of Excellence

6: Towards Modular Supercomputing: Resource Disaggregation and Virtualization by Network-Attached Accelerators

7: Ensembles of Networks Produced from Neural Architecture Search

8: High-Performance Sparse Tensor Algebra Compiler


1: Lisa Claus, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

2: Marisol Monterrubio Velasco, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

3: Wenqian Dong, University of California, Merced

4: McKenzie A. Hughes, Oregon State University

5: Beatriz Martínez Montesinos, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Italy

6: Sarah Neuwirth, Heidelberg University, Computer Architecture Group

7: Emily Herron, The University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

8: Ruiqin Tian, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, College of William & Mary

4:30 – 5:00 Break
5:00 – 6:00 Short Talks

1: Mentoring and Peer Evaluation

2: Raising awareness about inclusivity at workplace

3: Navigating Change and Transition at work and in personal life


1: Jay Lofstead, Sandia National Laboratory

2: Kaoutar El Maghroui, IBM

3: Lorna Rivera, Georgia Institute of Technology

6:00 – 6:10 Closing Remarks

Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs


The WHPC workshop at SC20 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.

Call for Lightning Talks

Call for lightening talks: Closed

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: September 23rd, 2020 (AoE)

Call for Participation

As part of the workshop we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a short/lightning talk. There will be the opportunity to interact with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them. We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation) to participate, however this opportunity is open to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.

After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their talk and and associate materials before the workshop. Submissions for talks are invited as extended abstracts (max 500 words) in any area that utilizes high performance computing. Authors are also expected to give a short lightning talk (3 minutes) at the workshop.

Benefit of Participating:

  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your presentation, including slides, how to structure a lightning talk for effective communication and how to make the most of the networking time afterwards.


Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc. As an author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. As the SC workshops have gone virtual this year, if accepted, the participants would be expected to submit a 5-6 minute video presentation by October 9th.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare the following and submit via the SC20 Linklings submission site – make sure your choose ‘SC20 Workshop: Women in HPC’:

  1. Author/presenter information (For all authors):
    • first and last name;
    • Current institution(s);
    • short biography (max 300 words);
    • company/institution;
    • country; and
    • photograph for website publicity.
  1. Lightning talk information
      • Title;
      • Extended abstract (up to 500 words).

Important Dates

  • Submission Deadline: September 23, 2020
  • Notification of acceptance: October 1, 2020
  • Camera Ready: October 9, 2020

If you have questions please contact gokcen.kestor@pnnl or mimubara@amazon.com.

All SC 2020 Events


Wed 11, Nov, 2020
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
Atlanta | United States


Sun 15, Nov, 2020 - Fri 20, Nov, 2020
All Day
Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW
Atlanta | United States
Loading Map....
Thu 25, Jun, 2020
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt, , 60486


Diversifying the HPC Community and engaging male allies

The twelfth international Women in HPC workshop will be held at ISC20, Frankfurt, Germany. This workshop provides leaders and managers in the HPC community with methods to improve the inclusion and retention of diverse teams and also to provide early-career women with an opportunity to develop their professional skills and profile. Following the overwhelming success of the 2019 WHPC workshops we will once again discuss methods and steps that can be taken to address the under-representation of women from all backgrounds, in particular, by discussing the following topics:

  • Being part of the solution: instructions for advocates and allies
  • Putting in place a framework to help women take grow their careers
  • Explore pathways to leadership positions

We will also provide opportunities aimed at promoting and providing women with the skills to thrive in HPC including:

  • Posters and lightning talks by women working in HPC
  • Short talks on topics including: dealing with sponsorship versus mentorship, the case for reverse mentorship to achieve diversity, addressing toxic behaviour at work, career advancement strategies, and 3 minute networking solution.

Call for Posters

Deadline for submissions: TBA

As part of the workshop, we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a poster and lightning talk. There will be an opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them.

After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their poster and lightning talk before the workshop. Submissions for posters are invited as short abstracts (max 300 words) in any area that utilizes high-performance computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a copy-ready electronic version of their poster by May 1st 2020 for publication on the workshop website.

We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation) to participate, however, this opportunity is open to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.

Benefits of participating:
  • Present: successful authors will present their work in a lightning talk at the workshop to an HPC audience, including peers and leading women across the international HPC community. Exclusive to ISC20 you will also have the opportunity to present your poster as part of the main ISC20 poster programme.
  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers.
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your poster and presentation, developing skills for the future.
  • Participate: the workshop will include a session on ‘Skills to thrive’ in your career. Attend ISC20 and join over 3,500 people to learn about the variety of activities and opportunities in the international high performance computing community.

Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As a poster author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This will be followed by the coffee break where attendees will have the opportunity to view your poster and discuss your work.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare your submission as a word or text document (NOT a PDF) containing the following information:

  1. Author information (For all authors):
    • first and last name;
    • current institution(s);
    • short biography (max 1000 characters);
    • company/institution;
    • country; and
    • photograph for website publicity.
  2. Poster information
    • WHPC Poster title;
    • abstract (up to 250 words);
    • Draft of the poster as PDF file, 1 page maximum (the final poster may not exceed A0 portrait paper size (841 mm x 1189 mm/33.1” x 46.8”) or A1 landscape paper size (594 mm x 841 mm/23.4” x 33.1”). The poster should contain the WHPC logo for its display during the ISC main conference. Download a high-resolution of the WHPC logo here.

Call for posters: Now Open! Please follow this LINK.

Notification date: TBA

If you have questions please contact info@womeninhpc.org.


  • Workshop Chair: Mozhgan Kabiri Chimeh (NVIDIA, UK)
  • Co-chair: Fouzhan Hosseini (Numerical Algorithms Group, UK)
  • Vice Chair: Elsa Gonsiorowski (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA)
  • Submissions Chair: Weronika Filinger (EPCC, University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Submissions Vice Chair: Vitalina Morais (Mozambique Research and Education Network, Africa)
  • Mentoring Chair: Aiman Shaikh (Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK)
  • Invited Talks Chair: Rosa Filgueira (EPCC, University of Edinburgh, UK)
  • Publicity Chair: Cristin Meritt (Alces Flight, UK)
  • Website Chair: Caitlin Ross (Kitware Inc, USA)
Loading Map....
Sun 17, Nov, 2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver, CO, 80202
United States


Workshop - Diversifying the HPC Community

Workshop slides now available under Agenda.

Women in HPC will once again attend the Supercomputing conference to discuss diversity and inclusivity topics. Activities will bring together women and male allies from across the international HPC community, provide opportunities to network, showcase the work of inspiring women, and discuss how we can all work towards improving the under-representation of women in supercomputing.

The 11th International Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) workshop at SC19 in Denver brings together the HPC community to discuss the growing importance of increasing diversity in the workplace. This workshop will recognize and discuss the challenges of improving the proportion of women in the HPC community, and is relevant for employers and employees throughout the supercomputing workforce who are interested in addressing diversity.Previous Women in HPC workshops at SC were great successes, with over 100 attendees in the past two workshops, receiving 32 and 21 posters from early-mid career women, respectively.

Sessions will focus on the following areas:

  • Surviving difficult events and how to minimize the impact on your career
  • Managing and resolving imposter syndrome
  • Building an effective professional network
  • How to get a new job or promotion
  • Behaviors for inclusion: coping strategies for unconscious bias and micro-aggression
  • Being a parent, guardian and caregiver: dealing with the guilt
  • Pointers on making and engaging male allies at workplace

The workshop will provide activities of interest to three particular groups:

  • Those responsible for hiring and recruiting staff that are interested in increasing diversity and retention of underrepresented groups in their organisation;
  • Early and mid career women working in HPC who wish to improve their career opportunities;
  • Diversity allies: those wishing to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture who want to learn and share tips and methods for bringing about cultural change.

The day will include presentations from early career women showcasing their HPC work in a lightning talks session, networking, and the opportunity to meet mentors and peers. We will include talks that will provide instructions for advocates and allies with strategies for improving workplace diversity, and becoming a part of the solution. We will also include a series of short talks on career focused topics, including: building and maintaining workplace resilience, best practices from organizations on improving workplace diversity, working out the two-body problem, and challenges and opportunities for women in entrepreneurship/venture capital. This will provide the attendees with tools on becoming a better leader in the workforce, effectively dealing with challenges at work, and managing work-life balance.


9.00 Session 1: Keynote
Session Chair

Misbah Mubarak

9.00 – 9.05 Welcome
Workshop Chair

Amazon Web Services

9.05 – 10.00 Keynote: The Butterfly Effect of Inclusive Leadership Bev Crair, Vice President of Development, Lenovo
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee Break
10.30 Session 2: Thriving in the Workplace
Session Chair

Gokcen Kestor

10.30 – 11.30
Short Talks

1: Hai Ah Nam, Los Alamos National Laboratory

2: Todd Gamblin, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

3: Elizabeth Bautista, NERSC

4: Jo Adegbola, Amazon Web Services

5: AJ Lauer, Outreach Diversity and Education Team Lead, NCAR

11.30 Session 3: Engaging Male Allies
Session Chair

Misbah Mubarak

11.30 – 1.00
Panel Discussion & Interaction Session
Panel Moderator

Misbah Mubarak, Amazon Web Services

  • Brendan Bouffler, Amazon Web Services
  • Ian Foster, University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory
  • Patty Lopez, Intel
  • Cory Snavely, NERSC


1.00 – 2.00 Lunch
2.00 Session 4: Lightning Talks
Session Chair

Mariam Umar

2.00 – 3.00 Early Career Lightning Talks
3.00 – 3.30 Coffee Break
3.30 Session 5: Developing workplace resilience
Session Chair

Toni Collis

3.30 – 5.00
Panel Discussion & Interactive Session
Panel Moderator

Toni Collis

  • Mariam Umar, Intel
  • Sarvani Chadalapaka, University of California, Merced
  • Bronis R. de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
5.00 – 5.15 Workshop Outcomes and Closeup

Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs



The WHPC workshop at ISC19 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.

Call for Lightening Talks: CLOSED

Deadline for submissions: August 30th, 2019, anywhere on Earth.

As part of the workshop we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a short/lightning talk. There will be the opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them.

After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their talk and and associate materials before the workshop. Submissions for talks are invited as extended abstracts (max 500 words) in any area that utilizes high performance computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a version of their work highlighting its goals, accomplishments and impact in the form of postcards (Deadline October 15th). Authors are also expected to give a short lightning talk (3 minutes) at the workshop.

We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation) to participate, however this opportunity is open to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.

Benefits of participating:
  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers.
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your presentation, including slides, how to structure a lightning talk for effective communication and how to make the most of the networking time afterwards.

Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As an author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This will be followed by the coffee break where attendees will have the opportunity to discuss your work. All attendees will be given a ‘postcard’ outlining the key points of your work, to encourage networking with you.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare the following and submit via the SC19 Linklings submission site – make sure your choose ‘SC19 Workshop: Women in HPC’:

  1. Author/presenter information (For all authors):
    • first and last name;
    • current institution(s);
    • short biography (max 300 words);
    • company/institution;
    • country; and
    • photograph for website publicity.
  2. Lightning talk information
      • Title;
      • Extended abstract (up to 500 words).
Notification date: September 14th, 2019.

Successful authors will be asked to prepare and submit a postcard design for use during networking at the event. For the work you intend to present, the postcard should include:

  • objectives of the work being discussed;
  • accomplishments so far;
  • goals of the work.

Full details on preparation of the postcard will be send to successful authors on 14th September.

Camera ready deadline

Final versions of the extended abstract and postcards will be due by October 1st, 2019.

If you have questions please contact info@womeninhpc.org.

All SC 2019 Events


Sun 17, Nov, 2019 - Fri 22, Nov, 2019
All Day
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States
Sun 17, Nov, 2019
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States


Tue 19, Nov, 2019
All Day
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States
Tue 19, Nov, 2019
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States
Tue 19, Nov, 2019
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
The Corner Office Restaurant + Martini Bar
1401 Curtis Street
Denver | United States


Sun 13, Nov, 2022
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S Griffin St
Dallas | United States
Loading Map....
Thu 20, Jun, 2019
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt, , 60486


Diversifying the HPC Community and engaging male allies

The tenth international Women in HPC workshop will be held at ISC19, Frankfurt, Germany. This workshop provides leaders and managers in the HPC community with methods to improve diversity and also to provide early career women with an opportunity to develop their professional skills and profile. Following the overwhelming success of the 2018 WHPC workshops we will once again discuss methods and steps that can be taken to address the under-representation of women, in particular by discussing the following topics:

  • Being part of the solution: instructions for advocates and allies
  • Putting in place a framework to help women take leadership positions
  • Building mentoring programmes that work effectively for women.

We will also provide opportunities aimed at promoting and providing women with the skills to thrive in HPC including:

  • Posters and lightning talks by women working in HPC
  • Short talks on: dealing with poor behaviour at work and how to help avoid it getting you down, how to deal with negative feedback, how to build writing into your daily routine and why it matters, etc.


Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs


The WHPC workshop at ISC19 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.

Call for Poster: Closed

Deadline for submissions: 18th March 2019, anywhere on Earth.

As part of the workshop we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a poster and lightening talk. There will be the opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them.

After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their poster and lightning talk before the workshop. Submissions for posters are invited as short abstracts (max 300 words) in any area that utilizes high performance computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a copy-ready electronic version of their poster by May 1st 2019 for publication on the workshop website.

We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation) to participate, however this opportunity is open to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.

Benefits of participating:
  • Present: successful authors will present their work in a lightening talk at the workshop to an HPC audience, including peers and leading women across the international HPC community. Exclusive to ISC19 you will also have the opportunity to present your poster as part of the main ISC19 poster programme.
  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers.
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your poster and presentation, developing skills for the future.
  • Participate: the workshop will include a session on ‘Skills to thrive’ in your career. Attend ISC19 and join over 3,500 people to learn about the variety of activities and opportunities in the international high performance computing community.

Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As a poster author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This will be followed by the coffee break where attendees will have the opportunity to view your poster and discuss your work.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare your submission as a word or text document (NOT a PDF) containing the following information:

  1. Author information (For all authors):
    • first and last name;
    • current institution(s);
    • short biography (max 1000 characters);
    • company/institution;
    • country; and
    • photograph for website publicity.
  2. Poster information
    • WHPC Poster title;
    • abstract (up to 250 words);
    • Draft of the poster as PDF file, 1 page maximum (the final poster may not exceed A0 portrait paper size (841 mm x 1189 mm/33.1” x 46.8”) or A1 landscape paper size (594 mm x 841 mm/23.4” x 33.1”). The poster should contain the WHPC logo for its display during the ISC main conference. Download a high-resolution of the WHPC logo here.

Submissions are now closed.

Notification date: April 10th, 2019.

If you have questions please contact info@womeninhpc.org.

All ISC 2019 Events


Sun 16, Jun, 2019 - Thu 20, Jun, 2019
All Day
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany
Sun 16, Jun, 2019
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany


Wed 19, Jun, 2019
All Day
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany
Wed 19, Jun, 2019
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
ICI Frankfurt Brasserie
Marriott Hotel, Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany


Thu 20, Jun, 2019
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany
Loading Map....
Sun 11, Nov, 2018
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Room D220, Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S Griffin St
Dallas, Texas, 75202
United States


Diversifying the HPC Community

The ninth international Women in HPC workshop will take place at SC18, Dallas, USA. Once again Women in HPC, our advocates, allies, supporters, and anyone interested in improving diversity across the HPC community is welcome to join us to discuss the challenges the community faces and how to improve the opportunities provided to women. Previous Women in HPC workshops at SC were great successes, with over 90 attendees in the past two workshops, receiving 32 and 21 posters from early-mid career women, respectively.

The workshop will provide activities of interest to three particular groups:

  • Those responsible for hiring and recruiting staff that are interested in increasing diversity and retention of underrepresented groups in their organisation;
  • Early and mid career women working in HPC who wish to improve their career opportunities;
  • Diversity allies: those wishing to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture who want to learn and share tips and methods for bringing about cultural change.

This year, we will have a plenary talk from organizations outside HPC who will showcase their experience of improving workplace diversity and suggest best practices for doing so.  Following this will be a panel discussion about the opportunities and methods to have an inclusive workplace environment. The workshop will encourage participation from the audience to increase the number of ideas generated. Finally we will be providing the opportunity for audience participation with breakout sessions to further discuss the issues raised. We would like to invite people from all aspects of the community to engage in this discussion, irrespective of career stage or workplace type, to fully explore the opportunities for disseminating best practices to the wider community.

Following the positive feedback from our SC17 workshop, the day will include presentations from early career women showcasing their HPC work in a lightning talks session, networking, and the opportunity to meet mentors and peers. We will include talks that will provide instructions for advocates and allies with strategies for improving workplace diversity, and becoming a part of the solution. We will also include a series of short talks on career focused topics, including: building and maintaining workplace resilience, best practices from organizations on improving workplace diversity, working out the two-body problem, and challenges and opportunities for women in entrepreneurship/venture capital. This will provide the attendees with tools on becoming a better leader in the workforce, effectively dealing with challenges at work, and managing work-life balance.

We welcome participation from everyone in the HPC community to discuss the most appropriate and beneficial actions that can be taken to address the gender imbalance in HPC and the strategies that could be adopted to achieve these goals. Our career development activities are beneficial to all and anyone interested in shaping their career is encouraged to participate.

*Call for Contributions* Closing date: Wednesday 15 August 2018

As part of the workshop we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a short talk. There will be the opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them. After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their talk before the workshop. Submissions are invited as short abstracts (max 300 words) in any area that utilises high performance computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a copy-ready version of their slides and an extended version of their abstract by November 1st 2018.



The WHPC workshop at ISC19 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.

Call for Poster: Closed

Deadline for submissions: August 15th, 2018, anywhere on Earth.

As part of the workshop we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a short/lightning talk. There will be the opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them.

After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their talk and and associate materials before the workshop. Submissions for talks are invited as extended abstracts (max 500 words) in any area that utilizes high performance computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a version of their work highlighting its goals, accomplishments and impact in the form of postcards (Deadline October 15th). Authors are also expected to give a short lightning talk (3 minutes) at the workshop.

We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation) to participate, however this opportunity is open to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.

Benefits of participating:

  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers.
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your presentation, including slides, how to structure a lightning talk for effective communication and how to make the most of the networking time afterwards.


Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As an author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This will be followed by the coffee break where attendees will have the opportunity to discuss your work. All attendees will be given a ‘postcard’ outlining the key points of your work, to encourage networking with you.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare the following and submit via the SC18 Linklings submission site – make sure your choose ‘SC18 Workshop: Women in HPC’:

  1. Author/presenter information (For all authors):
    • first and last name;
    • current institution(s);
    • short biography (max 300 words);
    • company/institution;
    • country; and
    • photograph for website publicity.
  2. Lightning talk information
      • Title;
      • Extended abstract (up to 500 words).

Notification date: September 15th, 2018.

Successful authors will be asked to prepare and submit a postcard design for use during networking at the event. For the work you intend to present, the postcard should include:

  • objectives of the work being discussed;
  • accomplishments so far;
  • goals of the work.

Full details on preparation of the postcard will be send to successful authors on 15th September.

Camera ready deadline
Final versions of the extended abstract and postcards will be due by October 1st, 2018.

If you have questions please contact info@womeninhpc.org.

All SC 2018 Events


Sun 11, Nov, 2018 - Fri 16, Nov, 2018
All Day
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S Griffin St
Dallas | United States
Sun 11, Nov, 2018
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S Griffin St
Dallas | United States


Tue 13, Nov, 2018
All Day
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S Griffin St
Dallas | United States


Wed 14, Nov, 2018
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
650 S Griffin St
Dallas | United States
Loading Map....
Thu 28, Jun, 2018
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Alabaster 2, Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt, , 60486


Diversifying the HPC Community

The eighth international Women in HPC workshop will be held at ISC18, Frankfurt, Germany. This workshop provides leaders and managers in the HPC community with methods to improve diversity and also to provide early career women with an opportunity to develop their professional skills and profile. Following the overwhelming success of the 2017 WHPC workshops we will once again discuss methods and steps that can be taken to address the under-representation of women, in particular by discussing the following topics:

  • How to build workplace resilience and maintain well-being, while managing work stress.
  • Being part of the solution: instructions for advocates and allies.
  • Best practices from organizations on improving workplace diversity.
  • Managing the two body problem and achieving effective work-life balance.

We will also provide opportunities aimed at promoting and providing women with the skills to thrive in HPC including:

  • Short talks by women working in HPC
  • Pointers on how to handle workplace conflicts and effectively respond to discrimination
  • Short talks on: best practices from equity frameworks from outside HPC, suggestions and challenges for women in HPC related venture capitals, effectively dealing with workplace discrimination, building a successful career, excelling in the workforce, etc.


Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs


The WHPC workshop at ISC19 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.


Call for Poster: Closed

Deadline for submissions: Extended 28th April 2018, anywhere on Earth.

Submit via Linklings.

As part of the workshop we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a poster and lightening talk. There will be the opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them.

After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their poster and lightning talk before the workshop. Submissions for posters are invited as short abstracts (max 300 words) in any area that utilizes high performance computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a copy-ready electronic version of their poster by June 11th 2018 for publication on the workshop website.

We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation) to participate, however this opportunity is open to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.

Benefits of participating:

  • Present: successful authors will present their work in a lightening talk at the workshop to an HPC audience, including peers and leading women across the international HPC community. Exclusive to ISC18 you will also have the opportunity to present your poster as part of the main ISC18 poster programme.
  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers.
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your poster and presentation, developing skills for the future.
  • Participate: the workshop will include a session on ‘Skills to thrive’ in your career.Attend ISC18 and join over 3,500 people to learn about the variety of activities and opportunities in the international high performance computing community.


Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasize the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As a poster author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This will be followed by the coffee break where attendees will have the opportunity to view your poster and discuss your work.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare your submission as a word or text document (NOT a PDF) containing the following information:

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare the following and submit via Linklings:

  1. Author information (For all authors):
    • first and last name;
    • current institution(s);
    • short biography (max 1000 characters);
    • company/institution;
    • country; and
    • photograph for website publicity.
  2. Poster information
    • WHPC Poster title;
    • abstract (up to 250 words);
    • Draft of the poster as PDF file, 1 page maximum (the final poster may not exceed A0 portrait paper size (841 mm x 1189 mm/33.1” x 46.8”) or A1 landscape paper size (594 mm x 841 mm/23.4” x 33.1”). The poster should contain the WHPC logo for its display during the ISC main conference. Download a high-resolution of the WHPC logo here.

Submissions now open via Linklings.  Deadline for submissions: 28th April 2018, anywhere on Earth.


All ISC 2018 Events


Sun 24, Jun, 2018 - Thu 28, Jun, 2018
All Day
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany


Wed 27, Jun, 2018
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany
Wed 27, Jun, 2018
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
ICI Frankfurt Brasserie
Marriott Hotel, Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany


Thu 28, Jun, 2018
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany
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Sun 12, Nov, 2017
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Room 710, Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver, CO, 80202
United States


Diversifying the HPC Community

The underrepresentation of women is a challenge that the entire supercomputing industry faces. Research shows that diverse teams increase productivity, so addressing the lack of gender diversity is as important to the community as reaching exascale. The HPC community is currently not even measuring how ‘leaky’ our pipeline is, but attrition rates likely align with the general tech community figures: 41% of women working in tech eventually end up leaving the field (compared to just 17% of men). This workshop is a key step in addressing one aspect of the underrepresentation of women: helping to retain the women that are already in the field and provide them with the tools to prosper and excel.

The workshop will provide activities of interest to two particular groups

  • Early and mid career women working in HPC who wish to improve their career opportunities.
  • Those responsible for hiring and recruiting staff that are interested in increasing diversity and retention of underrepresented groups in their organisation.

The workshop is open to everyone, not just women! As with all of our events we encourage participation from all in the community.


Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs


The WHPC workshop at ISC19 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.

Call for Poster: Closed

Call for virtual posters: extended to 27th August 2017 (anywhere on Earth)

As part of the workshop we will be inviting submissions from women in industry and academia to present their work as a virtual poster in a supportive environment that promotes the engagement of women in HPC research and applications, providing opportunities for peer to peer networking and the opportunity to interact with female role models and employers.

Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasise the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As a poster author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This is followed by a networking session where attendees will have the opportunity to view your poster and discuss your work.

Instructions for authors

Submission is done through the easychair submission system.

Please use this WHPC-workshop-submission-template-2017 to prepare the following as a single PDF to be uploaded as for the submission:

  • Title of your talk/virtual poster
  • Full name of main (presenting) author and affiliation
  • Names of any other authors and affiliations;
  • Abstract (up to 250 words)
  • Objectives, impact and accomplishments of the work to be presented
  • Short biography of main (presenting) author (150 words)
  • Photograph of the main (presenting) author

If you have questions please contact info@womeninhpc.org.

Poster Presenters

All SC 2017 Events


Sun 12, Nov, 2017 - Thu 16, Nov, 2017
All Day
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States
Sun 12, Nov, 2017
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States


Tue 14, Nov, 2017
12:00 pm
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States
Tue 14, Nov, 2017
6:30 pm - 8:15 pm
The Corner Office Restaurant + Martini Bar
1401 Curtis Street
Denver | United States


Wed 15, Nov, 2017
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States


Thu 16, Nov, 2017
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Colorado Convention Center
700 14th Street
Denver | United States
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Thu 22, Jun, 2017
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Basalt Conference Room, Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt, , 60486


Diversifying the HPC Community

The sixth international Women in HPC workshop will be held at ISC17, Frankfurt, Germany. This workshop aims to provide leaders, managers, and individual contributors in the HPC community with methods to improve diversity while providing early career women an opportunity to develop their professional skills. Following the overwhelming success of the WHPC workshop’s in 2016 we will once again discuss methods and steps that can be taken to diversify the workforce by discussing the following topics:

  • How to successfully identify and address real and perceived discrimination in the workplace.
  • Current research and open discussion on the roadblocks facing those in underrepresented groups that we may be overlooking.
  • The benefits of mentoring and professional networks and how to use these networks to learn and apply learnings to your career.

We will also offer opportunities aimed at promoting and providing women with the skills to thrive in HPC including:

  • Poster session including ‘lightning’ talks by women working in HPC
  • Speed mentoring
  • Handling conflicts at workplace and how to respond to discrimination wisely
  • Short talks on hints and tips for public speaking, how to take the next step in your career, effective workplace communication.


Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs


The WHPC workshop at ISC19 would not be possible without a dedicated team of volunteers.


Call for Poster: Closed

Call for posters: deadline for submissions extended to 7 May 2017 (anywhere on Earth)

As part of the workshop we will be inviting submissions from women in industry and academia to present their work as a poster in a supportive environment that promotes the engagement of women in HPC research and applications, providing opportunities for peer to peer networking and the opportunity to interact with female role models and employers.

Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasise the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As a poster author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This is followed by a networking session where attendees will have the opportunity to view your poster and discuss your work.

Instructions for authors

Please provide your submission via the Easychair submission system for the

Women in HPC ISC17 Workshop:


Please prepare the following as a single PDF to be uploaded as the paper

for the submission:

  • Full name of main (presenting) author
  • Names of any other authors;
  • Current institution of all authors;
  • Abstract (up to 250 words)
  • Short biography of main (presenting) author (150 words)
  • Photograph of main (presenting) author for website publicity

If you have questions please contact info@womeninhpc.org.

Poster Presenters

All ISC 2017 Events


Sun 18, Jun, 2017 - Thu 22, Jun, 2017
All Day
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany


Tue 20, Jun, 2017
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany
Tue 20, Jun, 2017
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany


Wed 21, Jun, 2017
10:00 am - 10:30 am
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany
Wed 21, Jun, 2017
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany
Wed 21, Jun, 2017
1:45 pm - 2:45 pm
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany
Wed 21, Jun, 2017
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany


Thu 22, Jun, 2017
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany
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Sun 13, Nov, 2016
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City, Utah, UT84101
United States

Diversifying the HPC Community

The fifth international Women in HPC workshop will take place at SC16, Salt Lake City, USA. The workshop will address the under-representation of women in the HPC community by discussing and addressing the challenges faced by women and how to improve the opportunities provided to women.

The workshop will provide activities of interest to two particular groups

  • Those responsible for hiring and recruiting staff that are interested in increasing diversity and retention of under-represented groups in their organisation
  • Early and mid career women working in HPC who wish to improve their career opportunities.

 We invite anyone interested in improving diversity in the community to attend.

Activities will include a keynote address and panel discussions on strategies that have been implemented to increase diversity. The workshop will encourage participation from the audience to increase ideas generation by following the panel with breakout sessions to further discuss the issues raised. We would like to invite people from all aspects of the community to engage in this discussion, irrespective of career stage or workplace type to fully explore the opportunities for disseminating best practices to the wider community.

The day will conclude with opportunities for early career women to showcase their HPC work in a poster session, networking, the opportunity to meet mentors and peers, and  a coaching session led by certified executive coach, Trish Damkroger (LLNL), to provide the attendees with tools on becoming a better leader in the workforce.

We welcome participation from everyone in the HPC community to discuss the most appropriate and beneficial actions that can be taken to address the gender imbalance in HPC and the strategies that could be adopted to achieve these goals.


Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs


Call for Poster: Closed

Deadline for submissions: EXTENDED to 8 August 2016 AOE Closed

As part of the workshop we invite submissions from women to present their HPC work to the HPC community as a poster and lightening talk. There will be the opportunity to meet with leading employers from across the HPC community and discuss your work with them. After submission, presenters will be provided with a mentor to aid in the preparation of their poster and lightning talk before the workshop. Submissions for posters are invited as short abstracts (max 300 words) in any area that utilises high performance computing. Successful authors will be asked to provide a copy-ready version of their poster by October 1st 2015.

We are encouraging women who consider themselves to be ‘early career’ (i.e. still studying or within five years of graduation) to participate, however this opportunity is open all, to help everyone who feels they may benefit from presenting their work, irrespective of career stage.


Benefits of participating:
  • Present: successful authors will present their work in a lightening talk at the workshop to an HPC audience, including peers and leading women across the international HPC community.
  • Networking: build your HPC network, meet peers and potential employers.
  • Advice and mentoring: Receive expert advice and mentorship to help prepare for your poster and presentation, developing skills for the future
  • Participate: the workshop will include a session on ’Skills to thrive’ in your career  Stay for the rest of SC16 and join over 12,000 people to learn about the variety of activities and opportunities in the international high performance computing community.



Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasise the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As a poster author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This is followed by a networking session where attendees will have the opportunity to view your poster and discuss your work.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare your submission as a word or text document (NOT a PDF) containing the following information:

  • Full name of main (presenting) author, short biography (150 words) and photograph for website publicity;
  • Names of any other authors;
  • Current institution of all authors;
  • Title of your abstract;
  • Abstract (up to 250 words).
Email your submission to info@womeninhpc.org by 8 August 2016. CLOSED

All SC 2016 Events


Sun 13, Nov, 2016 - Wed 16, Nov, 2016
All Day
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States
Sun 13, Nov, 2016
9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States


Tue 15, Nov, 2016
1:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States
Tue 15, Nov, 2016
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States
Tue 15, Nov, 2016
5:15 pm - 7:00 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States


Wed 16, Nov, 2016
12:15 pm - 1:15 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States
Wed 16, Nov, 2016
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States
Wed 16, Nov, 2016
5:00 pm - 5:10 pm
Salt Palace Convention Center
100 West Temple
Salt Lake City | United States
Loading Map....
Thu 23, Jun, 2016
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt, , 60486


Addressing the gender gap in High Performance Computing

The fourth international Women in High Performance Computing (WHPC) workshop, held at ISC 2016, Frankfurt, Germany will once again bring together the HPC community to discuss the growing importance of increasing diversity in the workplace. This workshop aims to recognize and discuss the challenges faced by women, one of many underrepresented groups that exist in HPC, as well as opportunities for broadening participation in HPC fields and activities to encourage women to enter the field with consideration of differing legislation affecting hiring and employment practices among the different countries. A keynote address and panel discussion will focus on strategies implemented by employers to diversify the HPC workforce and discuss the efficacy of the approaches. The workshop will encourage audience participation with the use of breakout sessions and will produce a whitepaper outlining the discussions, the best practices available, quantifying their value and benefit to the HPC community and employer where possible, and create guidelines that are useful throughout the international community. We hope that these outcomes will also be of benefit when considering improving diversity amongst other underrepresented groups.

We are excited to add another dimension to the workshop that will focus on the continued success of the WHPC international workshop program by bringing together female early career researchers with a focus on industry and European participation. We will provide them with the opportunity to showcase their work in the form of posters and to network with role-models and peers in an environment designed to highlight benefits of, and routes to, diversity.


Workshop Speakers, Panelists and Chairs


Call for Posters: Closed

Submissions for 2016 are now closed. Please check out our 2017 submissions here.

As part of the workshop we will be inviting submissions from women in industry and academia to present their work as a poster in a supportive environment that promotes the engagement of women in HPC research and applications, providing opportunities for peer to peer networking and the opportunity to interact with female role models and employers.

Submissions are invited on all topics relating to HPC from users and developers. All abstracts should emphasise the computational aspects of the work, such as the facilities used, the challenges that HPC can help address and any remaining challenges etc.

As a poster author you will have the opportunity to share your work with the workshop audience in a brief ‘elevator pitch’ talk. This is followed by a networking session where attendees will have the opportunity to view your poster and discuss your work.

To submit your abstract for a poster please prepare your submission as a word or text document (NOT a PDF) containing the following information:

  • Full name of main (presenting) author, short biography (150 words) and photograph for website publicity
  • Names of any other authors;
  • Current institution of all authors;
  • Abstract (up to 250 words)

Submissions for 2016 are now closed. Please check out our 2017 submissions here.

All ISC 2016 Events


Tue 21, Jun, 2016 - Thu 23, Jun, 2016
All Day
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany
Tue 21, Jun, 2016
10:15 am - 11:15 am
Messe Frankfurt, Convention Centre
Osloer Str. 5
Frankfurt | Germany


Thu 23, Jun, 2016
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany


Fri 22, Jun, 2018
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm
Marriott Hotel, Frankfurt
Hamburger Allee 2
Frankfurt | Germany


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    Media Sponsor: insideHPC

    Founded on December 28, 2006, insideHPC is a blog that distills news and events in the world of HPC and presents them in bite-sized nuggets of helpfulness as a resource for supercomputing professionals. As one reader said, we’re sifting through all the news so you don’t have to!


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    Sponsor: EPCC

    EPCC is a leading European centre of excellence in advanced research, technology transfer and the provision of high-performance computing services to academia and industry. Based at The University of Edinburgh, we are one of Europe’s leading supercomputing centres.


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    Sponsor: Xand McMahon

    Xand McMahon was formed by two very talented marketers who are well-known in the HPC and technical computing space. Kim and Lara love helping their clients see the differentiated value in their technology and watching them get that “a-ha!” look in their eyes. The two have more than 15 years of experience in this space and work with clients around the globe.


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